chronic illness
freedom academy

FIND freedom from your chronic illness

Regain your energy and take your life back

You just want to feel like yourself again

Even after trying all the things to manage your chronic illness you still don’t know what’s working and what isn’t.

Medical professionals don’t listen and dismiss your symptoms.

Your loved ones don’t get it and you feel like everyone thinks “it’s all in your head.”

You follow every expert, yet feel even more overwhelmed by the insane amount of information available. Where to even start?

By mid-afternoon, you are simply exhausted. Fatigue seems to be your normal state these days.

You lack motivation to do pretty much anything and feel like you are missing out on life.

You want to regain energy to do what you love, and start living instead of just surviving.

But how do you actually make this dream a reality?

the problem is...

Fad diets, quick fixes, and medications may work for awhile, until they don’t. 

Symptoms don’t go away by being ignored or covered up with yet another pill.

Medical professionals will continue to disappoint you. Family and friends will continue to misunderstand you. 

It’s up to you to take control of your health. 

how would it feel to...

Gain freedom to live life on your terms, without restrictive protocols and debilitating symptoms holding you back? 

Have a strong support network, knowing you are seen, heard, and accepted exactly as you are? 

Learn how to love and support yourself, in body, mind, and soul, despite chronic pain and discomfort?

Share your needs with confidence, allowing your medical team and loved ones to understand what you are going through? 

Have energy to participate in life, doing the things that bring you joy, and have hope for the future? 

I can help you get there.

Woman on cliff overlooking water and mountains

introducing: the chronic illness freedom academy

For women who want to go from feeling trapped by their diagnoses to being free of limitations and empowered in their health. 
“Dawn helped me set health goals and held my hand to guide me as I took baby steps to get to them. Dawn provided the right amount of structure, support and guidance I needed to create a doable plan, when I lacked confidence to accomplish it on my own."
Diane V

inside the framework

Motivation Activation
become your own healer
MBS nourishment
freedom fighters
energy adaptation

how to get your life back

First, we jump into Motivation Activation, helping you find energy and joy so you can start feeling better and build momentum for making sustainable long-term changes. In this section, you will determine your values and how they support healing, learn how to create a safe space within yourself, practice doing what you love, and express gratitude for all that you have.

Then, we teach you how to Become Your Own Healer so you can support every layer of yourself, and help you confidently advocate to get what you need. We will work on supporting your nervous system to put your body in a healing state, regulate your emotional state, build awareness around your wants and needs, and visualize what life will be like with more freedom. 

Next, we connect you to other Freedom Fighters to build a community and support system, where you will bond with peers experiencing the same things. This will inspire you to keep going on your healing journey no matter what you face. You will create a network of fellow Freedom Fighters who see you, hear you, and accept you for exactly who you are. 

Then, we focus on Mind, Body, Spirit Nourishment so you can find freedom from your diagnosis and integrate all aspects of well-being. You will examine all dimensions of wellness, explore what’s holding you back, set intentions and affirmations that boost confidence, practice mindful movement, and tap into your spirit. This whole-person approach will fuel long-term healing. 

Lastly, we tap into Energy Adaptation to set you up for long-term success and allow you to bounce back after setbacks, as no healing journey is ever linear! To wrap things up you will learn how to continue your forward momentum, create a flare-up plan, practice setting boundaries and advocating for your needs, and step into the future version of you, now.    

book a free call to see if this program is right for you

here's what's been missing from your healing journey

Focusing on the physical aspect of chronic illness is the most common, and obvious, component of the healing journey. But it is also just one piece of the puzzle.

We are complex beings made up of body, mind, and spirit. All of these layers of ourselves require attention in order to integrate the healing process, and ensure long-term freedom from our diagnoses. Leaving out even one piece can hold us back from true healing.

The truth is that you are missing key elements of your healing process. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now.
Maybe you have completely ignored your mental and emotional health, or have not considered how the state of your nervous system affects your ability to heal. Or maybe you are crippled by fear and have lost all hope and joy.

Thankfully, when you consider healing from a whole-person perspective, everything shifts. This enables you to be well, not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

“Dawn is a kind and compassionate coach. We bonded immediately over our similar health histories and general love for health and wellness. I was going through a difficult time with my personal health at the time and Dawn provided comfort and reassurance to me in a time of need. She was also never afraid to push me to reach my goals and always ensured we ended our sessions with a back up plan…or two!"
Kristen W


The Chronic Illness Freedom Academy is a transformative 8-week Group Coaching experience, where you will receive not only guidance, accountability, and support from a National Board Certified and Functional Medicine Certified Health & Wellness Coach, but also from your fellow chronic illness peers. 

We begin by setting up a Discovery Call to make sure we are a good fit, then get you enrolled and start on your path to healing.

hey girl, Dawn here.

I know how hard life is for you right now. The heaviness you often feel. How everyday feels like WORK.

Navigating chronic illness is not easy. There is a lot involved, and it requires that you uproot your entire life to accommodate it. It’s a lot of change and can feel incredibly overwhelming. 

Then there are the symptoms. The pain, fatigue, digestive problems, skin issues, mood changes, and a seemingly endless list of random things getting in your way. 

And let’s not forget about how no one seems to understand you or what you are going through. 

For more than a decade I looked for answers to my mystery illnesses. I saw dozens of Doctors, practitioners, specialists, and healers. I was told I wouldn’t get better and had to be on medication for life. 

I tried every protocol and diet that I could find. Sometimes I would see improvement for a short time, then I would get shoved 10 steps back. 

I truly didn’t think I would ever get better and had all but accepted my fate. 

Until one day I had an epiphany. 

I spent all this time and energy looking for my answers externally. When what I really needed was to look inside of myself. 

This changed everything. I started to heal. Like, really heal. Within one year I went off all medication. And within two years, my two autoimmune diseases were in remission.

Fast forward to today, and I unbelievably transformed. I am thriving with chronic illness. 

And the best part of all this? It led me to you. My calling is to help others find their way on this crazy rollercoaster of a lifestyle. 

Because, my friend, more than anything, I want you to know this: healing is possible for you. 

You can get your life back. You can feel good again. You can find joy. You can find healing, naturally. 

Join me today, and we will navigate this journey together. I will help you discover what you are really capable of. 



"Our time together invited a calming space into my week. It was a space and time to slow down and become curious about my self-care. Dawn’s patience, kindness, and supportive listening gave rise to a lovely coaching experience. She encouraged me in a way that I felt understood. She motivated me to become more self-aware, and from this, we created a few realistic approaches to maintain my health and life balance. I would highly recommend Dawn. Her professionalism and confidence in me were just what I needed."
Courtney K


I’m busy.  Will I have time for the Chronic Illness Academy?

I get it, you’re busy. I am too, which is why I made this program accessible to almost everyone.

The module content is available for download and includes a variety of written, audio, and video files.

Although I recommend you complete the exercises prior to each group call, you are encouraged to go at your own pace.

We meet weekly for 60 minutes on our live calls. Also expect to spend approximately 1-2 hours weekly on homework and exercises.


Where will the program take place?

All calls will take place on Zoom, and all module content is available in a secure client portal on Practice Better.


What if I can’t attend the live calls? 

Although our group coaching sessions are conducted live, they will be recorded and available for viewing in the client portal.

You can easily complete homework and catch up with the group calls when it works with your schedule.


I am not sure I can afford it. I haven’t invested in my healing like this before.

Speciality tests, labs, office visits, and out of pocket medical expenses run thousands of dollars. I know first hand, as I have personally invested over $25,000 in my health. 

The Chronic Illness Freedom Academy is an investment in your well-being. It is something you get to choose for yourself.

Consider the cost of not investing in yourself. The cost of staying stuck in an endless cycle of Dr’s, tests, and failed attempts.

Instead, for less than your latest monthly grocery haul, you’ll learn how to heal for good.

what will life be like when you can...

Have the energy to keep up with your children and family, and actually participate in activities that bring you joy?

Feel confident and empowered to take control of your health, possessing the tools to communicate your needs, set boundaries, and prioritize yourself?

Knowing you were designed to heal, and lovingly supporting your body, understanding it is always working to help you?

Feel balance in all layers of you, mind, body, and spirit?

It’s possible! Let’s chat and see how you can make this happen.

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